Posts Tagged ‘digital’

Milk For Two- commissioned piece
January 16, 2013
I was commissioned by Jade Patrick to create a piece to be used as the announcement/flyer for a performance titled Milk For Two held at Gamut Gallery in January 2013. This description of her performance is taken from the gallery’s webpage: Patrick confronts the breastfeeding controversy head-on, in a piece that seeks to unveil […]
2013 | Art/Work, Recent work (2011-2013) | Media: digital drawing | Tags: commission, digital, drawing, flyer, photoshop

November 29, 2012
I created this print for the themed portfolio ONE NIGHT ONLY! (that I also curated) as part of the 2012 Mid America Print Council conference. The print blog Printeresting included this print in it’s write up for the themed portfolios at the conference. To view click here: