Ongoing/Upcoming events
-Art A Whirl 2013 @ Turbo Tim’s
May 17th 5pm-10pm, May 18th Noon-8pm, May 19th Noon-5pm
I’ll have all new work up for this Art-A-Whirl show where I will be showing alongside the ultra talented DIM Media collective.
For More info (and a map to Turbo Tim’s):
__________________________-3rd Annual Exhibit and Awards of the National Arts Program® AWARD WINNERS SHOW
Thursday, March 14th- Sunday May 19th 2013. Work will be on display in the the C concourse of MSP International airport.
Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP) __________________________
Open Edition, A Community of Printmakers Exhibition. Juried by Minneapolis College of Art and Design faculty member Jody Williams. MCAD Concourse Gallery
March 29-April 19, 2013
Opening Reception: Friday, March 29, 6-8 pm MCAD Concourse Gallery 2501 Stevens Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55404 ——————————- Ground Hog Day Gallery 13 Now through March 9th. I have three pieces in this show. All new. CLOSING PARTY: Thursday, March 9th. 7-10pm. Gallery13
811 LaSalle Ave. MInneapolis MN 55402
-3rd Annual Exhibit and Awards of the National Arts Program®
Now- March 13th 2013. I have two pieces on display in the C concourse at MSP international near gate c7.
Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP)